The KL divergence of distribution p from q is a measure of dissimilarity,
taken as the expectation of the log difference over the support of p.
It's used a lot in Bayesian inference (specifically, the divergence of a posterior p
from some prior q), so we're listing some properties and closed-form equations here.
For discrete distributions over sample space X, we have:
whereas for continuous distributions we have the integral:
DKL(p∣∣q)=∫−∞∞p(x)log(q(x)p(x))dxRemark: KL divergence has units of "bits" when using log base 2; "nats" when using natural log.
DKL(p∣∣q)=0 if and only if p=q.
If p=q then logp(x)/q(x)=log(1)=0
for all x and DKL(p∣∣q)=0. The proof of the forward implication
is a little bit trickier.
Non-negativity (DKL≥0).
Since log(a)≤a−1 for all a>0, we have: DKL(p∣∣q)=−∑p(x)log(p(x)q(x))≥−∑p(x)(p(x)q(x)−1)(Invert the log)(letting a=q/p)
The right hand side is equal to zero, which completes the proof:
However the KL divergence is asymmetric.
And it doesn't satisfy the triangle inequality.
Remark: Due to the last two properties, the KL divergence doesn't qualify as a distance metric,
which is why it's called the KL divergence. Because of asymmetry, we usually say that
DKL(p∣∣q) is the "divergence of p from q" rather than "between p and q".
Useful Results
We often encounter the KL divergence of a Gaussian
from another Gaussian. As you'd expect, the algebra works out nicely to closed-formed
equations. We list them here for the univariate (Eq. 3) and multivariate (Eq. 4) cases,
as well as for the special case of an isotropic posterior from a standard normal prior (Eq. 5).
The KL divergence of an univariate Gaussian posterior p from a Gaussian prior q is given by Eq. (3).
For a standard normal prior, DKL only depends on the mean and variance of the posterior,
μ and σ2.
For multivariate Gaussian distributions we have:
To evaluate (a) and (b), we use the trace trick for the expectation of quadratic forms.
Recall that the trace of a
square matrix is the sum of the main diagonal. The quadratic forms inside (a) and (b)
evaluate to 1 by 1 matrices (each containing a single quadratic polynomial in x),
the trace of which is the polynomial itself. This allows us to write (a) as: Ex∼p(x)[tr((x−μ1)TΣ1−1(x−μ1))]
Now, traces are invariant under cyclic permutation, i.e. tr(ABC)=tr(BCA)=tr(CAB), and
the expectation of the trace of a matrix is equal to the trace of the expectation,
E[tr(A)]=tr(E[A]). Using both properties we get:
Since the inverse covariance matrix is constant w.r.t. x, we move it out of the
expectation and find that (a) equals n.
Using the same trick we evaluate (b). Start by introducing μ1:
Ex∼p(x)[((x−μ1)+(μ1−μ2))TΣ2−1((x−μ1)+(μ1−μ2))]=Ex∼p(x)[((x−μ1)TΣ2−1+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1)((x−μ1)+(μ1−μ2))]=Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)TΣ2−1(x−μ1)+(x−μ1)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(x−μ1)+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)]=Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)TΣ2−1(x−μ1)]+(μ1−μ2)Σ2−1Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)T]+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)]+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)(Introduce μ1)(Distribute Σ2−1)(Move constants)
Since Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)]=Ex∼p(x)[x]−μ1=0,
we are left with:
Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)TΣ2−1(x−μ1)]+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)=Ex∼p(x)[tr((x−μ1)(x−μ1)TΣ2−1)]+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)=tr(Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)(x−μ1)TΣ2−1])+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)(Trace trick)=tr(Ex∼p(x)[(x−μ1)(x−μ1)T]Σ2−1)+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)=tr(Σ1Σ2−1)+(μ1−μ2)TΣ2−1(μ1−μ2)(Move Σ2−1)(Definition of Σ1)
Plugging back the simplified expressions for (a) and (b) yields:
For an isotropic Gaussian posterior and the standard normal prior, we have
and Σ2=I.